
BioCarbonValue Final Seminar in Lahti & Online 26/11/2024

Welcome to the Final Seminar of the BioCarbonValue project! Registration is now open!

The Final Seminar of the BioCarbonValue project provides the most recent research information of carbon materials produced from agricultural or food industry side-streams to replace fossil-based carbon in high-value applications such as energy storage systems, biocomposites and and water purification processes, including business and market perspective.

From the event page you will find information about the event and registration, program and venue.

Link to the event page


8th Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference

The 8th Green and sustainable Chemistry conference will take place in Dresden, Germany 13.-15.5.2024. BioCarbonValue will attend presenting the carbonization and activation results of the agricultural feedstocks selected for the project. The presentation is titled “Sustainable carbons from agricultural biomass for high-value applications”.

Link to conference page


Vesihuoltopäivät 15-16.5.2024

Finnish Water Utilities Association (FIWA) arranges a two day seminar in May at Oulu. BioCarbonValue will be presenting their water purification results titled: “Kotimainen biopohjainen aktiivihiili jäteveden haitta-aineiden poistamisessa” (Utilizing domestic biobased activated carbon in waste water micropollutant removal) on 15.5.2024. The full program can be found from the seminar website:  .

Biochar Summit 2023 in Helsingborg 12-15.6.2023

Biochar Summit 2023 in Helsingborg cathered almost 400 biochar enthusiasts from 25 countries and 4 continents to share and learn the most interesting findings in the fields. Lively discussions, excellent presentations and shared interest in biochar created the most inspiring conference to date. BioCarbonValue participated the conference, and VTT project member Esko Salo was also one of the conference organizers and acted as a session moderator. We want thanks all the organizers for their hard work!

The venue was organized by The European Biochar Industry Consortium EBI, the Nordic Biochar Network, and the City of Helsingborg.

ISO TC 238 meeting & research visit to Vancouver 7-18.5.2023

BioCarbonValue project member Esko Salo participated in a 4-day ISO meeting in Vancouver as Convenor. ISO Technical Committee 238, Solid Biofuels has a task group on biocarbon that is currently developing a standardization strategy for biocarbon. For more information, read Esko’s blog post (in Finnish) published by the Bioenergy Association of Finland.

The research visit was organized through Boreal Alliance Network. During the visit, Esko met with researchers that work with biocarbon, bioproducts, and other forestry-related topics from FPInnovations, The University of British Columbia and BioProducts Institute. Moreover, Esko visited multiple research laboratories such as pyrolysis laboratory.

Esko would like to thank the Boreal Alliance Network and all mentioned research organizations for hosting the meetings and making the research visit possible.

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